Setting up the Billing company (BL/DST)
When you set up the Billing company, select the parameters for invoicing, default sales accounts, currency and tax, Order Entry processing, user fields, and comments to print on invoices, and reports.
This diagram shows how to set up your Billing company to fit your business requirements:
- Access Company (BL00.1).
- Select the company number.
- On the Address tab, specify the address information.
Click the
General Ledger Accounts tab, select the default general
ledger accounts.
- Rounding
Specify the accounting unit, account, and sub account to standard to use for rounding.Note: You can only use Rounding Accounting Unit, Account, and Sub Account for BL invoicing if the Rounding flag on the Invoice Options tab (Company BL00.1) is set to nearest whole amount (W).
Click the Invoicing Options
tab, select invoicing parameters and specify this information:
- Invoicing Level
Select whether to control invoicing at the company level or the process level.
- Rounding
Select a rounding option for calculating and printing on invoices (BL122). To not round off the amounting the invoice, select N. To round off the amount in the invoice to the nearest whole number, select W.The default value is N.
Note: You can print a detail line amount on the invoice before the Net Total line for the rounding amount.The rounding amount is posted to the default account unit and account setup on the Company (BL00.1) or Process Level (BL01.1). This is based on the flag for Invoicing Level. To use rounding, you must set up the Rounding Accounts. - Batch Control Totals
Select Y to require the addition of batch control totals before releasing invoices in batch.
- Use Recurring Bill Date As Invoice Date
- Select Y to use the invoice date as the bill date of a recurring invoice.
- Run Invoice Print Edit
Select Y to require the use of Invoice Print Edit Report (BL121) before printing and finalizing invoices in Billing.
- Print Final COD Invoice
- Select Y to create and print
invoices twice for cash-on-delivery orders. You can print an invoice for the driver
and another one for the customer.Note: If you select Y, then you can print and send the first invoice to the delivery driver. When the driver returns with the payment, make the necessary changes to the invoice then print and send the second invoice to the customer for their records.
- Apply Discounts to Add-on Charges
Select Y to include add-on charges in the discount calculations at the order level.
- Apply Terms to Add-on Charges
Select Y to include add-on charges in the terms calculations.Note: If you include a discount in the payment terms and you select N, then you cannot include the amount for add-on charges in the order total where you calculate the terms discount.
- Apply Terms to Freight Charges
Select Y to include freight charges in the terms calculations.
Select whether to include freight charges in the terms calculations or not.Note: If you include a percentage discount in the payment terms and you select N, then you cannot include the freight charge amount in the total of the order from which the terms discount is calculated. - Post Cost for Interface Invoices
Select Y to post cost for interfaced invoices from a third-party application.
- Audit Price Changes
Select Y to track changes made to the normal default pricing on an order in Billing.
- Require Unit of Measure
Select Y to require users to specify the unit of measure for each item when adding an order.
- Location Based Pricing
Select Y to price items at the location level and establish a separate base price for each location. Select N to price items at the company level.
- Control Recurring Charge Entry
Select whether to allow the billing operator to limit billing quantity and charge on items that reset to zero after each periods. If you select Y, then you must set up operator and item combinations in Recurring Invoice User Items (BL15.1). If you select N, then the billing operators cannot limit billing quantity and charges on items.
On the Invoice Prefixes tab,
select prefixes for invoices, credit memos, and recurring invoices.
- Select Invoice Prefix to identify the invoices created by your company or process level, specify an invoice prefix to precedethe invoice number.
- Select Credit Memo Prefiix to identify the credit memos created by your company or process level, specify a credit memo prefix toprecede the credit memo number.
- Select Recurring Invoice Prefix to identify the recurring invoices created by your company or process level, specify a recurring invoiceprefix to precede the recurring invoice number.
Click the Currency and Tax tab and specify this
- Multiple Currency
Select whether to process orders in the company base currency or another currency of the Order Entry application.
- Tax Option
Select how to calculate and print tax on Billing invoices when using the Lawson Tax application. You can select one of these options:
- D: Calculate and print tax detail on each line.
- P: Calculate tax and in line tax amount on a line and print a summary of tax information.
- S: Calculate tax on a line level and print a summary of tax information.
- T: Calculate and print a summary of tax information.
- B: Calculate tax on a line and print tax on both line and summary of tax information.
- X: Calculate tax on a summary of tax information, print tax codes and rates on a line, and print tax on a summary of tax information.
Click the OE Options tab and
specify this information:
- Manual Order Numbering
Select Y to generate numbers for customer orders manually. Select N to generate numbers for customer orders automatically.
- Manual Return Numbering
Select Y to generate numbers for customer returns manually. Select N to generate numbers for customer returns automatically.
- Limit Returns
You can select one of these options:
- N if there is no time limit for the billing company to accept returns.
- D to specify that a return authorization is generated only for a number of days from the invoice date.
- S to specify a date on the Item Master, Item Location, National Account, or Customer fields.
Note: You can only select S if you set Allow Returns on Item Master, Item Location, National Account, or Customer field to not accept returns. - Limit Days
Specify the number of days from the customer invoice date to create a return authorization.
- Audit Order Changes
Select Y to audit order changes using Intercompany Order Audit Report (OE210).
- Default Cancellation Reason
Select the default reason code for cancelled or deleted orders. To set up reason codes, you can use Reason Codes (BL07.1).
Select the default reason code when orders are cancelled or deleted. You can set up reason codes using Reason Codes (BL07.1).
- Route Processing
Select Y if the company is using route and stop deliver.
- Date
Specify a date to use for the Warehouse application in batch allocation such as order entry date, request date, or expected ship date.
- Backorder Control
Select the type of control to use over the backorder process:
- O: Prevent creating backorders in the Order
Entry application.Note: You can select O to create the required backorders for the Warehouse allocations and shipping programs.
- W: Prevent creating backorders in the
Warehouse application.Note: You can select W to create the required backorders for the Order Entry programs and enable substitute items in potential backorder situations.
- B: Prevent the creation of backorders in both the Order Entry and Warehouse applications.
- I: Create backorders in both the Order Entry and
Warehouse application programs.Note: To handle the processing of these orders, you can use the available service for LawsonProcessFlow and Infor Process Automation users.
See Process Flow Reference Guide and IPA Services for Infor Lawson Reference Guide.
- O: Prevent creating backorders in the Order
Entry application.
Click the BL Comments tab to select comment
types to print on invoices.
You can use the X on a line to print all comments tied to an item on Item Comments (IC18.1) that belongs to the comment type referenced under Invoice Register and Print (BL122).
- Click the OE Comments tab to select comments to print on reports.
Click Add.
Example options for defining user fields
You can use user fields to gather various kinds of data about transactions. In the Billing application, you can define the type of data to gather about transactions relating to Billing and Order Entry processing.
Once you decide what type of information to gather, you can define the user fields by specifying the data type.
You can see user fields on various transaction forms. To record and report data about a specific transaction, you can use the user fields.
- BL User Fields
- Determine data types for invoice header, invoice line, or ship to address user fields. This button accesses BL User Field Types (BL00.2).
- OE User Fields
- Determine data types for customer order, customer order line, or operator user fields. This button accesses OE User Field Types (BL00.3).