Defining promotions for a specific sales class
To narrow the pricing parameters, you can assign a promotion to a specific sales class of items or to a specific item.
- Access Promotion Sales Class (BL47.2).
- Select a promotion.
- In the Sales Class fields, select the major or minor sales class to affect by this promotion.
- In the Prohibit Sales field, select Y - Yes to prohibit ordering items that are priced using this promotion sales class.
- In the Y - Yes to send items that are ordered and priced using this promotion sales class for free to the customer. field, select
- In the Amalgamated Pricing field, select Y - Yes to use amalgamated pricing for items ordered from a sales class.
- In the Discount Code field, select a discount code to the contract.
- Optionally, you can specify the upper item quantity limit depending on the item quantities ordered to apply special pricing percentages for items in a specific sales class in the Quantity Breaks field.