Defining contracts to sales classes or items

To narrow the pricing parameters, you can assign a contract to a specific sales class of items.

  1. Access Contract Sales Class (BL46.2).
  2. Specify or select the customer.
  3. In the Contract field, specify the contract identifier.
  4. In the Sales Class field, specify or select the major and minor sales class that this contract affects.
  5. In the Prohibit Sales field, select Y - Yes to prohibit ordering items that are priced using this contract sales class.
  6. In the No Charge field, select Y - Yes to send items that are ordered and priced using this contract sales class for free to the customer.
  7. In the Amalgamated Pricing field, select Y - Yes to use amalgamated pricing for items ordered from a sales class.
  8. In the Discount Code field, select a discount code to the contract.
  9. Optionally, you can specify the upper item quantity limit depending on the item quantities ordered to apply special contract pricing percentages for items in a specific sales class in the Quantity Breaks field.