Defining Job Code Selection dimension criteria

  1. When you specify Selection for a budget dimension with a source of Job Code, the Job Code Selection (EB11.7) form displays.
  2. Select the appropriate Function Code for each line. The available options are Add, Change, or Delete.
  3. Select a Company and Job Class. The job codes must exist in this company and job class in order to be included in the budget dimension.
  4. For each Company/Job Class selection, click Preview to see the job codes that are members of the dimension. The Member Preview (EB12.1) form displays.
  5. On Member Preview (EB12.1), click one of these buttons:
    • Click Update List to build a list of members for the dimension based on the companies and job classes that you selected.

      Note: If this is a new budget, then you must click this button to build your list for the first time.
    • Click View Current List to view a list of members for the dimension. The Job Code Preview (EB12.8) form displays.

      Note: This action does not rebuild the list.
  6. On Job Code Preview (EB12.8), you can view the job codes that you will include in the budget dimension.
    Note: To scroll to an item in the list, you can specify the company and job code in the Position To field and press Enter.