Creating the line item import data file

Complete this procedure to create the line item import file:

  1. On EB10.1, select a budget.
  2. Select Submit Rpt to display Budget Report Updates (EB19.4).
  3. Select Line Items to display Budget Line Item Update (EB120).
  4. On EB120, select or specify a job name in the Job Name field.
    Note: This will save the job name and you can reuse it in the future to rerun the dimension update. If you select an existing job name from the list, then select Inquire to fill in the fields on EB120.
  5. Specify a description for the job in the Job Description field. Completion of this field is optional.
  6. Select or specify a user name in the User Name field.
    Note: Ususally, the User Name is your system user name.
  7. In the Parameters group on the EB120 form, select the budget name in the Budget Name field.
  8. Select the name of the import report in the Report Name field.
    Note: The name that you select for the Report Name will be used as a default file name for the import file. For example, if you specified ACTIVITY in the Report Name field, then the default file name for the import file is ACTIVITY.ASC. Details on changing the file name so that it is different from the Report Name are found elsewhere in this user guide.

    See Renaming line item report files.

  9. (Optional) Select these Report Overrides to use when creating the import file:
    • Fiscal Year. If the report's columns are periods, then leave this field blank to use the fiscal year from Budget Line Item Import (EB30.2). If the report's columns are variable periods, then leave this column blank to use the fiscal year settings on Current Year/Period (EB10.7). To use a different fiscal year to populate data in the import report, specify the correct year. See Setting the current year and period.

    • Line Item Desc. Specify a description that will be populated in the Line Item column for all report lines.

    • Suppress Zero Lines. Specify Y to import line items with zero values. Specify N if you do not want to import line items with zero values.

  10. (Optional) Specify the periods to include in the Use Actuals Until field and specify a budget number in the Then Budget Number field.

    For import reports that retrieve data from General Ledger and/or Project Accounting, you can populate the import file with a combination of actual and budget data. Specify the period through which you want actual data in the User Actuals Until field. Specify a budget in the Budget Number field to populate the remaining periods with budget data.

    To populate the import file with all actual data, leave the Use Actuals Until field blank.

  11. Click Add on the tool bar to Add the job.
  12. Select Submit on EB120 to create the line item import file.
    Note: Use Print Manager to view your job before you transfer and import the file in the Pillar application. The job's report output contains both the name of the file created and the number of records populated in the file.