Creating the budget dimensions
In the budget application, planners use budget reports to create budgets. Because planners have diverse business objectives, they can construct different budget reports to meet each planner's needs. For example, some planners may need to budget by project and employee with a given cost center. While others may budget by job code and project. To create your budget, you can include accounts, accounting units, account categories and employees as budget dimensions in your metadata as necessary. Budget dimensions provide information that you can use to structure budget reports in the budget application.
When you define budget dimensions in Budget Architect, you are associating the budget dimensions that are in the budget application with specific data sources in the Lawson Business Management System. When you create a budget dimension, you must define selection criteria to determine the data that you want to populate in the dimension. You can also identify dimension attributes to include additional information about the data source in the budget plan (such as person responsible for an accounting unit or variable level address).
The Budget Architect uses your budget dimension metadata to determine the information your budget application imports from your Lawson Business Management System.
Use this procedure to create budget dimensions: