Setting the current year and period

Use this procedure to set the current year and period for a particular budget. This procedure is optional. If you use variable period column names in report templates, then the periods are determined from the current year and period. When you also import and export budgets, the current year and period is set as default if you have not specified a year in the budget line item report definition, or specified the year before submitting the job for the import or export (EB120, EB130, or EB135).

  1. Select a budget and click Options on Budget Architect (EB10.1).
  2. Click Current Period. The Current Year/Period (EB10.7) form displays.
  3. Specify the current year for the budget in the Year field.
  4. Specify the period for the budget. If the budget period is monthly, then the valid values are 1 through 12. If the budget period is quarterly, then the valid values are 1 through 4.
  5. Click Add or Change to update the information.