Reviewing Online Aging for a Contract, Activity, or Activity Group

Use this procedure at any time to view a transaction aging summary for a single activity, contract or activity group.

To review online aging for a contract, activity, or activity group

  1. Access Contract Activity Aging (AR55.1).
  2. Select a contract, contract activity, or activity group
  3. Select the Inquire form action to display the summary. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Only the open amount of a transaction is aged. The aging periods, aging rules, and currency are obtained from the customer group relationship of the first-found record.

    Note: If transaction records exist for a given contract, activity, or activity group that span multiple customer groups, where the customer group currency varies, a message appears asking you to run Activity Aging Report (AR257).

    The Future period is defined by the number of current days defined for the Customer Group Customer Group (AR00.1) All transactions whose age is less than the number of current days are included in the future period and are not past due.


    The Current period is defined by the number of current days defined for the Customer Group on Customer Group (AR00.1) All transactions within the number of current days are included in the current period and are not past due.

    Other aging periods

    The aging periods display as defined on Customer Group (AR00.1)

    Open amount column

    The total open transaction amount for the aging period for the contract, activity, or activity group.

    Percent column

    The percentage of all transaction amounts aged that are included in the current aging period.

    Current Balance

    The total open transaction amount for all aging periods for the contract, activity, or activity group.

    Unreleased Payments

    The total amount of unreleased payments for the contract, activity, or activity group.

    Open Invoices and Debits

    The total of all open invoices and debit memos for the contract, activity, or activity group.

  4. In the SC field, select an aging period and use the Inquire form function to open Contract Activity Aging Detail (AR55.2). This will display detailed information for a specific aging period.

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Column Value

    Select what will display in the variable column. The column header changes with your selection. You can display the activity, contract number, activity group, process level, reference number, or user field name associated with each transaction in the display.


    Use this field to Drill Around to detailed information for a transaction.

    Due Date

    The due date for each of the transactions in the aging period.


    The transaction type and ID.

    Transaction type can be I (Invoice), P (Payment), C (Credit Memo), or D (Debit Memo)

    Variable column

    Depending on the value selected in Column Value, this column displays the activity, contract number, activity group, process level, reference number, or user field name associated with each transaction in the display.

    PO Number

    The transaction purchase order number.

    Part App

    An asterisk (*) displays in this field if the transaction is partially applied.

    Open Amount

    The open, or unapplied, amount of the transaction.