To adjust applications

  1. Access Application Adjustments (AR35.1). Use this form to create and maintain adjustments, such as discounts or shortages, for an invoice, debit memo, or credit memo or to maintain an application amount.

    This form will display up to three currency codes (company base currency, transaction currency, payment currency) if you are working with multiple currencies. All amounts are displayed in the currency of the transaction.

  2. Adjustments can be added, deleted, or changed. After entering Company and Customer use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Trans Type, Invoice, Pay Seq and Due Date

    Select the transaction you want to adjust.

    Appl(lication) Seq(uence)

    Type the entry sequence of the application you want to display.

    Note: If you don't know the application sequence, use the Next function to scroll applications for the transaction.
    Post Date

    The general ledger date associated with the application.


    Select an adjustment reason.

    Adjust Amount

    Type the amount of the adjustment.

  3. Click the More button to select an activity and account category and to define adjustment units for the adjustment.