Printing Bills of Exchange or Creating a Tape

Once you have created bills of exchange, you can print or create a bill of exchange tape. The format options you defined for the payment code in the Cash Management application determines whether DT155 creates forms or a tape and the type of form or tape format. What Setup is Required for Bills of Exchange?

Note: This step is for individual and summary bills of exchange.

To print bills of exchange or create a tape

  1. Access Bill of Exchange Print-Tape Create (DT155).
  2. Select a company and payment code. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Process Level

    You can type a process level to include only bills of exchange assigned a specific process level. Must be a valid process level in Process Level (AR02).

    BOE, Customer, and Date ranges

    You can define a range to include. Only bills of exchange within these ranges will be included.


    Select a source (internal or external) to limit the bills of exchange included. This indicates where the bills of exchange were created.

  3. If you need to Reprint the bills of exchange, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Print Option

    Select R (reprint) If you need to reprint bills of exchange and the range of bill of exchange numbers you want to reprint in the Bill of Exchange Numbers fields.


    If you selected Reprint in the Print Option field, enter the beginning bill of exchange number you want to reprint.

    Include Historic, Dishonor

    If you selected Reprint in the Print Option field, and select Yes in this field, historic and dishonored status bills of exchange will be included within the range you defined. If you select No, only open bills of exchange will be included.

    BOE Reference

    Type a reference value, such as a formal stamp number, to print or be assigned to the first bill of exchange. This value is the starting number, and the system will increment this value by 1 for each subsequent bill of exchange.

    Message Code

    Select a message code representing a message to be printed on bill of exchange forms. Must be a valid message code in the Lawson Terms system.