Extracting EFT Payments

This procedure lists the open items selected for EFT processing and create adjustment notices for adjusted open items.

To extract EFT payments

  1. Using EFT Extract (AR110).
  2. Run this program in Update mode. Running the program:
    • Creates EFT transaction records for each open item processed indicating EFT extraction.

    • Updates the AR Open Item file with an extraction status (including the resetting of a Postponed status to an Open status).

    • Creates adjustment flat or text files according to a customer's adjustment notification method. This file reflects only adjusted items with a recalculated net total.

  3. The listing has a debit, credit, and net balance at the customer, analyst, and company totaling levels. On the summary page by analyst, customers with a credit item, net selected credit balance, net overall credit balance, and items selected with no pre-noted bank account existing are noted.