List Job Detail

  1. Access Distribution Balance (AR197).
  2. Enter a Job Name, Job Description, and a Company number. The Company must be a valid company in Company (AR01).
  3. Select option 3 List Detail in the Select Options field.
  4. Select the List Detail tab. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Date Range

    Type the beginning and end dates to include a range of distribution post dates.

    Account Units

    Select an Accounting Unit to limit the transactions that have this Accounting Unit.

    Account Ranges

    Select a beginning and ending Account to limit the transactions that have this GL Account.

    Sort Option

    Select a sort option. Determines sort and corresponding subtotaling logic.

  5. Select the types of transactions you want to include in your report.

    A listing of details for all distribution balance records is produced, regardless of whether or not they have detail.

    All amounts print in the company base currency.