To view exception payments

  1. Access Cash Batch Exception (AR26.1).
  2. Select the Inquire form action to display exception payment batches.
  3. Click the More button (M) on batch payment line to access Cash Payment Exception Detail (AR26.2). This will display payments that have one or more of the following conditions:
    • an application record that has not been posted through the program Application Closing (AR190)

    • a selection record that has not been processed by Cash Entry and Application (AR30) or Automatic Cash Application Audit (AR130) program

    • a pending RTM record in Returned Payments (AR82).

    • a pending Reversal record in Payment Application Reversal (AR80)

    • a pending AR to AP record in AR to AP Interface (AR48).

  4. Click the Filter button to access Payment Detail Fiter (AR26.4). Use this form to define the selection criteria. This will limit the exception payments displayed.