To Interface non-lockbox payments

  1. Run Payment1 Interface (AR575) or Payment2 Interface (AR580).
    Note: You can define different sets of parameters for the same report by using alternate job names. For example, you can inquire on a job name, change the parameter values, and save the job using a new name. Each job defined by a particular user must have a unique name.
  2. Run these programs to interface external non-lockbox payment records. AR575 uses ARIPMT (Unix/Windows) or DBARART (IBMi). AR580 uses ARIPAYMENT and ARIREMIT for Unix/Windows or DBARAIP and DBARIRM for IBMi. AR575 and AR580 do not require payment records to be formatted in a standard Bank Administration Institute (BAI) format. These programs use a generic format to give you additional flexibility for interfacing payments. The interface programs create a report that lists each field that failed the edits, a description identifying the kind of error, and totals showing the number of payment records that were successfully added. Correcting Interfaced Payment Errors
    Note: Please refer to the knowledge base article Payment Interface File Layout - Non-Lockbox (AR575) and Payment Interface File Layout - Non-Lockbox (AR580) for details including the kind of data each file record should contain. To download the most recent file layouts for the version of Lawson Accounts Receivable you are using, go to Infor Customer Portal site. This requires an ID and password.