What Types of Notification Are There?

Notification is communication with EFT banks and customers done to verify transfer of funds. There are two types of notification:

  • Prenotification - occurs before a transfer of funds to verify the connection. The pre-notification option is assigned to a customer in EFT Notification (AR09.5) and to a bank in Banks (AR09.2). Selecting either of these options requires preliminary communication to the customer or bank before processing the EFT transactions.

    • Customer prenote: if the customer prenote flag is set to "Y", then the customer will get prenotification files created each time the EFT cycle runs.

    • Bank prenote: if the bank prenote flag is "Y", the entire EFT cycle must be run from start to finish to create an initialization file to send the bank to verify that the bank can read it properly. In this initialization cycle, there will be no transactions selected for the customer. Once the initialization or prenote cycle for the bank is complete, transactions will start to be picked up in the next cycle and the bank will not be prenoted anymore.

  • Final notification - confirms the transfer was made after a transfer of funds. All customers receive final notification.