Converting vendor data

You can convert vendors, alternate locations, vendor address changes, and vendor balances from a non-Lawson system into the Accounts Payable application. For complete information on the conversion process, see the Enterprise Financial Management Conversion Guide. This guide is part of the services offered by your Regional Service Center. This procedure describes the basic process for converting vendor data.

Updated files during vendor conversion

The vendor groups and vendor classes to which the converted vendors are to be assigned must be valid records before you complete this process.

Procedure flow: Converting vendor data

Convert vendor records

  1. Load the appropriate vendor information into the vendor conversion file.
  2. Run Vendor Conversion (AP510) to edit the information in the vendor conversion file for completeness and accuracy. If the information passes all edits, new vendor records, alternate vendor location records, and vendor balance records are created. The corresponding records are purged from the conversion file.
  3. To add information to the conversion files or to maintain information already loaded into these files, use Vendor Conversion (AP51.1) to make the desired changes.
  4. If you made changes, run AP510 again to edit the information you added in AP51.1, update the Accounts Payable files with this new information, and delete updated records from the conversion files.