Accounts Payable audit analysis

To enable audit analysis for changes made to APCOMPANY AND APPROCLEVEL records, navigate to AP Company (AP00.4) and set the Audit Setup Changes field on the Options tab to Yes.

The filter button in each form can be used to limit the number of records that are displayed. Each form also has a listing of the audit records. A detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values.

These audits are available in Accounts Payable:

AP Company Audit Inquiry (AP89.1)

The AP Company Audit (AP98.1) has Company parameter field and a Filter button. It displays information about changes made to APCOMANY on AP00.4. Only changes made by the user to the AP Company program are tracked in this audit.

AP Process Level Audit (AP89.3)

The AP Company Audit (AP89.3) has Process Level parameter field and a Filter button. It displays information about changes made to APPROCLEVEL on AP00.5. Only changes made by the user to the AP Process Level program are tracked in this audit.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use

Generate an audit report for the audit data in a single job.

The user can also run the program for a single company and get all process level information or it can be run for a company and process level to obtain just the audit information for that process level.

AP Company and Process Level Audit Report (AP189)