Interfacing employee expense data

You can interface expense data from a desktop application or a non-Lawson system into the Employee Expense application. Use this procedure to interface employee expenses and associated distributions.

Ensure the status of the data you are interfacing meets this criteria. If the expense status is unreleased, the distribution status for the same expense must be unreleased. If the expense status is released (open), the distribution status for the same expense must be unposted or posted. (A posted status is allowed for company-paid expenses only.)

Procedure flow: Interfacing employee expense data

Interface employee expense data

  1. Load external employee expense data into the employee expense interface and expense distribution interface files.
  2. Run Expense Interface (EE520) to interface unreleased or released (open) employee expenses and associated distributions.
  3. Specify this information:
    Approval Code

    To interface expenses assigned a specific approval code only, specify or select a valid approval code for the company.

    Transaction Status

    Select whether to interface only unreleased transactions, only open transactions, or all transactions regardless of status.


    Select whether to edit records and create a report only, or to edit records, interface records that pass the edit, and create a report.

    Update Tax Module

    If you are interfacing transactions with a released (open) status, this option indicates whether to update the Lawson Tax application with the appropriate tax information and tax values.

    Last Year Ending Date

    If you selected Yes in the Update Employee Balance field, specify the last year ending date. Expenses and expense distributions with dates after the date you specify will update current year vendor (employee) purchase and payment balances.

  4. Verify interfaced data. The interface program creates a report that lists each record that failed the edits, an error description identifying the kind of error, and totals showing the number of transactions that were and were not processed.
  5. If there are records in error, use Expense Update (EE52.1) to correct records that did not interface.
  6. If you corrected records, run Expense Interface (EE520) again to interface those records.