How does the conversion number work?

Each of these interface records that are associated with the same asset must have the same conversion number to be interfaced together:

  • Asset

  • Asset item

  • Asset book

  • Asset attribute

  • Asset transaction

If you interface transaction records or attribute records separately, you can use the conversion number in one of two ways:

  • If you interface the transaction or attribute record by conversion number, the Conversion Number field must match the conversion number used to interface the associated asset. Asset Management keeps track of the conversion numbers even after the assets have been interfaced.

  • If you interface the transaction or attribute record by asset number, the Conversion Number field must contain the asset number of the previously interfaced associated asset.

    Because the Conversion Number field is alphanumeric (left-justified), but the asset number is numeric (right-justified), the asset number, when specified in the Conversion field, must be zero-filled to the maximum size of the Conversion Number field (10 characters) to be accepted by the interface program. For example, asset number 401 must be specified as 0000000401.