Selecting a listing program

Asset Management provides these listings:

To Use

List one or more of these setup information:

Books, Calendars, Locations, Divisions, Disposal property, Methods, Periods, Tax credit tables, Personal use, System options codes

System Setup Listings (AM200)

List one or more of these setup information:

Account groups, Types, Accounting unit groups, Calendars, System options

Company Setup Listings (AM205)

Unix/Windows: Generate a Product Category Workbook that can be used to scan product category bar codes with a handheld terminal

IBMi: Generate a Product Category Workbook that can be used to scan product category bar codes

Product Category Workbook (AM206)

Unix/Windows: Generate a Location Detail Workbook that can be used to scan location detail bar codes with a handheld terminal

IBMi: Generate a Location Detail Workbook that can be used to scan location detail bar codes

Location Detail Workbook (AM207)
List the book groups that have been defined, the books belonging to them, and the description and currency code for each book in the book group. Book Group Listing (AM210)

Unix/Windows: Generate an Asset Template Workbook that can be used to scan asset template bar codes with a handheld terminal

IBMi: Generate an Asset Template Workbook that can be used to scan asset template bar codes

Asset Template Workbook (AM211)
List setup information for one or more addition templates Addition Template Listing (AM212)
List the asset groups that have been defined (one asset group with or without its assets, all asset groups without their assets, or all asset groups with all their assets) Asset Group Listing (AM213)
List class depreciation rates for a book, book group, or all books. Class Depreciation Rate Listing (AM214)
List summary asset definition information sorted by asset or tag number and totalled by currency. Asset, Tag Listing (AM221)
List all information regarding one or more asset books in asset order Asset Book Listing (AM222)
List the purchase cost, quantity, and any tax specified for selected items. You can specify that you want to view all assets, assets that are non-inventory only, inventory only, current inventory only, or only missing assets. You can view output by Asset Owner. Item Listing (AM223)
List item record information for items to be interfaced to existing assets in Asset Management Item Adjustment Interface Listing (AM251)