Defining a manual list

You can create manual lists where you add the list members manually. Manual lists can contain any assets that you want to use as part of a set. You can create a list as manual from the start, or you can convert an automatic list to a manual list. After a list becomes a manual list, it loses its connection with its original attribute definitions. Sort order and attribute values become irrelevant.

  1. Access List (MX10.1).
  2. Specify this information:
    Object Type

    An attribute list must be associated with an object type. For Asset Management lists, select ASSET.


    This is the user-defined list name.

  3. Click New List to open Define List (MX10.2).
  4. Add MX10.2 without specifying any other information. The program navigates back to MX10.1.
  5. Add MX10.1 without specifying any attribute information.
  6. Click New List again to access MX10.2
  7. Click Manual List to access Manual Asset List (AM23.4)
    Note: Alternatively, you can access Asset Attributes (AM23.1) and click Manual List to open Manual Asset List (AM23.4).
  8. Inquire on the manual list that contains the members that you want to define members and add the assets that you want as members of the list. Another way is to select an automatic list and convert it to a manual list by following these steps:
    Note: To keep a list as automatic but use an identical list as a manual list, click Copy to make a copy of the automatic list and return to AM23.4 to select the copied list and convert it.
    1. Inquire on the automatic list and click Convert to Manual to convert the automatic list to a manual list.
    2. Add or delete list members as needed.
      Note: This step is irreversible. You cannot convert a manual list back to automatic.

Report and inquiries

To Use
List automatic or manual list information List Listing (MX210)
View the member of a list or all lists for an object type List Member Listing (MX223)