What happens when you dispose of a partial asset from a handheld terminal?
A partial asset disposal initiated from a handheld terminal produces the same disposal records as a partial disposal initiated from the Asset Management application:
If an asset has multiple items, and you dispose of several, but not all, of the items, the disposal process creates a new asset from the disposed items and leaves the nondisposed items in the original asset.
If an asset has a single item but a quantity larger than one, and you dispose of a partial quantity, the disposal process creates a new asset with a single item containing the disposed quantity, and leaves the original asset with the nondisposed quantity.
After the disposal records are interfaced to the Asset Management application, both the newly created asset and the original asset have a status of Disposal in Progress. You cannot change the records, but you can delete them.
You cannot display a newly created disposed asset on Disposals (AM40.1).
If you delete the original asset disposal from AM40.1, you also delete the asset created by the partial disposal.
Releasing the partial disposal for the original asset also releases the newly created asset with a status of Disposed.
Asset 1 has three items:
- Item 1 with a quantity of 5
- Item 2 with a quantity of 3
- Item 3 with a quantity of 2
If you use a handheld terminal to dispose of items 2 and 3 and interface the transfer records to Asset Management, the resulting asset records are:
- Asset 1, with item 1 (quantity 5)
- Asset 2, with item 2 (quantity 3) and item 3 (quantity 2)
Both items have a status of Disposal in Process until you release them.
Only Asset 1 can be viewed on Disposals (AM30.1)
Deleting the Asset 1 disposal record from AM30.1 deletes the new asset and restores Asset 1 to its original state.
Releasing the Asset 1 disposal record from AM30.1 releases both assets. Asset 1 has a status of Released. Asset 2 has a status of Disposed.