Accounts Payable and Project Accounting interfaces to Asset Management

The Accounts Payable and Project Accounting interfaces to Asset Management include these features and capabilities:

Hold Code

Hold codes let you prevent users from updating invoice and activity information. You might want to use a hold code if you combine invoices or activities into one asset and you interface information from Accounts Payable or Project Accounting to Asset Management over time. It can also be used to keep an interface record from becoming a new asset record.

Combine Invoices or Activities

You can combine multiple invoices or activities to create a single asset record by defining a combine code. All invoices or activities with the same combine code are combined when the interface record is released (updated) by the Asset Management application.

Split Invoices or Activities

Invoice or activity lines from Accounts Payable or Purchase Order and Project Accounting can be split into multiple assets. Use System Option (AM16) to specify that distribution splitting is allowed at a company level. For example, distribution lines are always split evenly by the quantity interfaced from AP or AC. A distribution line with a quantity of 6 can only be split into six distribution lines and not 3 distribution lines with a quantity of 2. Splits are specified on the AM15.x screens.

Project Accounting

The Asset Management interface can receive information from Project Accounting. The interface lets you capitalize activities or activity account categories by attaching an asset template to them. You can track activity and asset information about them before transferring them as assets to Asset Management.

Accounting Unit

The accounting unit on the payable distribution line or the activity transaction line is passed to Asset Management. You can override this accounting unit in Asset Management if you want to.