Copying an activity group budget

Use this procedure to copy an existing activity group budget to one or more activity groups. You can apply a compute statement to calculate different amounts and units for the new activity group budget.

Follow these steps to copy an activity group budget:

  1. Access Budget Copy (AC123).
  2. On the Group tab, select the activity group to copy a budget from and the activity group or activity group list to copy the new budget to.
  3. On the Main tab, select the budget information you want to copy and indicate how you want to copy the budget. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    From Budget

    Select the activity group budget you want to copy.

    To Budget

    Specify the budget number for the new activity group budget.

    From Year

    For annual or period budgets, specify the year of the budget you want to copy. For life-only budgets, leave this field blank.

    To Year

    For annual or period budgets, specify the year for the new activity group budget. For life-only budgets, leave this field blank.

    Copy Actuals

    Activity group budgets cannot be copied from actuals. Select the default setting No.

    Copy Type

    Select whether to copy the activity group budget amount, units or both. The default setting is Amount.

    Copy Compute

    Select Yes to create the new activity group budget using the compute statement in the From Budget. Select N if the From Budget does not contain a compute statement, or you want to use a different compute statement.

    Note: You can use the Override Parameters field to identify different parameters to use with the compute statement.
    Zero Amounts

    Select Yes to create the new activity group budget with zero amounts. The default setting is No.

    Override Compute

    Select a compute statement to create the new budget using a different compute statement than the one in the From Budget.

    Note: Define compute statement using Compute Statement (RW50.1).
    Override Parameters

    If you selected Yes in the Copy Compute field or selected an Override Compute statement, then you can:

    • Leave this field blank to calculate the activity group budget using the compute parameters in the From Budget.

    • Select the parameters you want to use with the compute statement to calculate the activity group budget.

  4. On the Header tab, define header information for the new budget. Use these guidelines to specify field values:

    Specify a description for the new budget.

    Date Range

    Specify the beginning and ending date of a range for the new budget. If left blank, then the date range of the To Activity Group is used.

    Round Type

    Select how you want to round budget amounts:

    • Two Decimals (2)

    • Whole number (W)

    • Hundred (H)

    • Thousand (T)

    Unit Round Type

    Specify how you want to round budget units:

    • Two Decimals (2)

    • One Decimal (1)

    • Whole number (W)

    • Hundred (H)

    • Thousand (T)


    Select the base currency for the activity group for which you are creating the new budget.

    Calculate (Report One) and Calculate (Report Two)

    Select Y to define exchange rates for the new activity group budget amount. The default is Yes if the report currency exists and No if the report currency does not exist.

    Exchange Rate (Budget, Report One and Report Two)

    Specify the exchange rate to be used to convert the budget amount to the report currencies. If you leave this field blank, the current exchange rate defined for the report currency in the Currency application defaults.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List all valid budgets assigned to a specific activity or activity group Budget Listing (AC220) or Budget Control Report (AC225)
Report on the variance between activity budgets and actuals or between two budgets Budget Variance Report (AC420)