Calculating computed budgets
After you define a compute statement and the compute parameters or total names that you will use, you are ready to calculate the computed budget. You can calculate budgets using the same forms you use to define budgets, or you can run a batch program to recalculate existing budgets. Use this procedure to calculate activity group budgets or activity budgets using compute statements.
Before calculating a budget, you must define any compute statements, compute parameters, and total names that you will use to calculate the budget.
Follow these steps to calculate a budget:
Option: calculating a budget with a batch program
As an option, use a batch program to recalculate existing budgets using compute statements.
Run Budget Calculation (AC121). Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
- Activity Group List, Activity Group, Activities, or Activity List
Select the budgets you want to recalculate by selecting an activity group list, an activity group, up to six activities, or an activity list.
- Account Category
For activity budgets, select a range of account categories. Leave this blank for activity group budgets.
- Budget Level
Select the level to identify whether you want to recalculate Activity Group or Activity budgets.
- Budget
Select a range of the budget numbers to recalculate. You can select activity group or activity budgets.
- Year
Specify a range of budget years for which you want to recalculate budgets. If you are using a life only budget, then leave the Year fields blank.
- Period
If you are recalculating period budgets, then you need to specify the beginning and ending budget periods to calculate budgets for a range of budget periods. If you are using a life only budget, then leave the Period field blank.
- Override Compute
Select a compute statement to use to recalculate the budget. If you do not select an override compute statement, then the compute statement defined for the budget is used.
Note: You can use an override compute statement with the existing budget's compute parameter, or with an override parameter. - Override Parameter
Select a compute parameter to use to recalculate the budget. If you do not select an override compute parameter, then the compute parameter defined for the budget is used.
Note: You can use an override parameter with the existing budget's compute statement, or with an override compute statement. - Save Compute
Assign the override compute and the override compute parameter to the existing budget. If you do not want to replace the compute statement and compute parameter in the existing budget, then select No. The default setting is Yes.
- Report Option
Select a report option:
Select Summary to include general budget information and budget totals.
Select Detail to include period amounts as well as general budget information and budget totals. The default setting is Detail.
- Compute Type
Select whether you want to recalculate the existing budget's amounts or units. The default setting is Amount.