About changing budgets

In Project Accounting, you can change budgets by editing them directly, re-calculating them, or replacing them by copying from other existing budgets. You can also use budget change orders.

Using change orders to track budget changes

To establish an approval process for budget modifications, use change orders. With a change order, budget adjustments must be approved and released before they affect the actual budget records. Change orders can be routed to the appropriate individuals for approval and release using the Infor Process Automation application.

If you use change orders, then you can use the Change Order Audit option on the Main tab of Activity Group (AC00.1) to keep a historical record of all change orders.

See Changing budgets.

Locking budgets

As an option, you can lock budgets to prevent them from any changes or removal on Budget Lock (AC20.8). You can also secure the locking procedure by limiting who can lock and unlock budgets. These rules apply to locked budgets:

  • Budgets are locked by activity group/activity and budget number or activity group and budget number. This means that you cannot change any activity budget for that budget number, but you can create or modify activity budgets under a different budget number.

  • You can enter change orders for a locked budget, but you cannot approve or release those change orders until the budget is unlocked.