Locking multiple budgets

  1. Access Mass Budget Lock (AC128).
  2. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Activity Group List, Activity Group, Activities, or Activity List

    Select the activity group list, activity group, activities, or activity list for which you want to lock budgets.


    Select Yes to lock one or more budgets. Locking prevents deletion of the budget or changes to it. You can select No to unlock a budget that was locked previously.

    Budget Level

    Select the budget level that you want to lock. Valid options are Activity (A) or Activity Group (G).

    If you select Activity Group (G), then leave the Activities and Activity List fields blank.


    Select the range of budgets that you want to lock.


    Select Yes to update the specified budgets to the lock status indicated in the Lock parameter. Select No to create a report without updating the budgets.