
This table describes listings that are available in Project Accounting. Listings are most often used to record and review application setup you have performed.

If you want to Use
Generate a list of the activity group parameters defined in Activity Group (AC00.1). This listing includes information on the status, budget information, work breakdown structure, and any comments that exist for the activity group. It also lists currency, calendar, and effective dates. Activity Group Listing (AC200)
Generate a list of user-defined statuses. Statuses are defined on Status (AC02.1). Status Listing (AC202)
Generate a list of resource information (an AC person, HR employee, vendor, asset, or equipment). This listing includes information on the resources, resource types and descriptions, standard rates and units of measure, default expense account, and so on for resource assignments. Assignments are defined on AC03.x screens. Resource Assignment Listing (AC203)
Generate a list of GL codes defined on GL Code (AC04.1). GL Code Listing (AC204)
Generate a list of the account categories defined on Account Categories (AC05.1). Account Category Listing (AC205)
Generate a list of account category assignments. Account category overrides are assigned to activities in Override Account Categories (AC06.1). Account Category Overrides Listing (AC206)
Generate a list of account categories and their general ledger account or account range assignments. General ledger accounts or account ranges to account categories are assigned on Account Assignment (AC07.1). Account Assignment Listing (AC207)
Generate a list of summary and detail account categories set up in Category Structure (AC08.1) and Account Category Detail (AC08.2). Structure Listing (AC208)
Generate a list of activity parameters defined on Activity (AC10.1). This listing contains general activity information including the level address, status detail, and activity attributes. You can also print asset information and print the listing in level number order or activity order. Activity Listing (AC210)
Generate a list of period of performance template information including system code, begin, and end days defined in Period of Performance Template (AC10.7). POP Template Listing (AC211)
Generate a list of attributes assigned to an activity on Activity Attributes (AC13.1). Activity Attribute Listing (AC213)
Generate a list of resource rates defined on any of the AC17.x forms. You can list rates by resource type or resource range. Resource Rate Listing (AC217)
Generate a list of resource rates you have defined by activity or activity group on any of the AC18.x forms. Activity Resource Rate Listing (AC218)
Generate a list of budget information defined in the AC20.x budget forms. Budget Listing (AC220)
Generate a list of the spread codes and spread code parameters defined on Spread Codes (AC23.1). Spread Code Listing (AC223)
Generate a list of all valid budgets assigned to a specific activity or activity group. Budget Control Report (AC225)
Generate a list of the budgets defined on Budget Interface Adjustment (AC27.1) as budgets to convert from an existing non-Lawson system to Project Accounting. Budget Interface Listing (AC227)
Generate a list of activity group relationships. Activity group relationships are defined on Activity Group Relationship (AC28.1). Activity Group Relationship List (AC228)
Generate a list of activity relationships. Activity relationships are defined on Activity Relationship (AC29.1). Activity Relationship Listing (AC229)
Generate a list of allocation information. You can select allocations, allocation groups, or a step range for the listing. Allocations are defined on the AC30.x forms. Allocation Listing (AC230)
Generate a list of activity transaction journal entries created, but not released, on Journal Entries (AC40.x), Resource Time Entry (AC41.x), and Subcontractor Time and Material Entry (AC42.1). Journal Edit Listing (AC240)
Generate a list of current manual commitment entries created on Manual Commitments Transaction entry (AC46.1). Manual Commitment Listing (AC246)
Generate a list of source document information for historical commitments including transaction period and year, document number (invoice), item, description, and resource by activity, account category, and system. Activity Commitment History (AC247)
Generate a list of transaction report parameters defined on Transaction Writer (AC55.1) to verify that the information is correct. Transaction Writer Listing (AC255)
Generate a report based on the parameters defined on Transaction Writer (AC55.1). Transaction Writer Report (AC256)
Generate a list of setup completed on Burden Codes (AC60.1), where you define burden codes. Burden Code Listing (AC260)
Generate a list of setup on Burden Code Assignment (AC61.1) , where you assign and identify the valid burden codes for an activity group, activity, and account category. Burden Assignment Listing (AC261)
Generate a list of pool driver values defined on Pool Driver Values (AC62.1). Pool Driver Values Listing (AC262)
Generate a list of rates defined on Burden Pool Rates (AC63.1), including the effective dates and statuses for the rates. Provisional Rate Listing (AC263)
Generate a list of burden types defined on Burden Types (AC64.1) and their statuses. Burden Type Listing (AC264)
Generate a list of percentage of completion for activities or account categories. Percent Complete Report (AC265)
Generate a list of posted transactions by activity group, activity, or account category including the transaction description and, optionally, attribute information. Transaction Listing (AC290)
Generate a list of the account category relationships set up in Account Category Relationships (AC29.2). Acct Cat Relationship Listing (AC292)
Generate a list of summarized activity commitments with actual and budget data included. Activity Commitment Summary (AC295)
Generate a list of summarized activity pre-commitments, and commitments and see remaining budget amounts. Commitment Analysis Summary (AC297)
Generate a list of source document information for commitments including transaction period and year, document number (invoice), item, description, and resource by activity, account category, and system. Commitment Detail Report (AC298)