Project Accounting audit analysis

Included on these forms is a listing of the audit records. The detail section displays the field changed for the highlighted detail line and contains both the old and the new values. The filter button can be used to limit the number of records that are displayed. Additions, changes and deletions to the Activity Group file will be tracked in thes audits.

These are the available project accounting audits:

Run To view audit records for these programs
Activity Group Audit Analysis (AC88.1)

Activity Group (AC00.1)


Activity Audit Analysis (AC88.2)

Activity (AC10.1)


Status Audit Analysis (AC88.3)

Status (AC02.1)


Structure Audit Analysis (AC88.4)

Category Structure (AC08.1) and Account Category Detail (AC08.3)


Account Category Override Audit Analysis (AC88.5)

Override Account Categories (AC06.1)


Related reports and inquiries

To Use

Generate a listing of Activity Groups or an audit report for the activity group audit data or both reports in a single job.

The report can be run for a single activity group or an activity group list to obtain the audit information. The report can be limited for a specified date range, action, operator, program, and field name.

Activity Grp Listing and Audit (AC200)

Generate a listing of Status’s or an audit report for the status audit data or both reports in a single job.

The report can be run for a single status or for all status’s to obtain the audit information. The report can be limited for a specified date range, action, operator, and field name.

Status Listing and Audit (AC202)

Generate a listing of Overrides or an audit report for the override audit data or both reports in a single job.

The report can be run for an Activity Group List, Activity Group, up to six Activities, or an Activity List to obtain the audit information. The report can be limited for a specified date range, action, operator, program, and field name.

Acct Cat Ovrd List and Audit (AC206)
Generate a listing of Structures or an audit report for the structure audit data or both reports in a single job. The report can be run for a single Structure or a range to obtain the audit information. The report can be limited for a specified date range, action, operator, program, and field name. Structure Listing and Audit (AC208)
Generate a listing of Activities or an audit report for the activity audit data or both reports in a single job. The report can be run for an Activity Group List, Activity Group, up to six Activities, or an Activity List to obtain the audit information. The report can be limited for a specified date range, action, operator, program, and field name. Activity Listing and Audit (AC210)
Delete audit analysis records for all five audit analysis types, (Activity Group, Activity, Status, Structure, and Overrides) in a single job. The user can also run the program for a single audit analysis type, or any combination of the five. Activity Audit Analysis Purge (AC305)