About creating budgets in a different application

If you create budgets in a third party budgeting application or in a spreadsheet, then you will need to map data fields in your budget to the Activity Budget Relation ACBUDREL (UNIX/Windows) file or DBACACB (IBMi) file before you can interface the budget to Project Accounting. You can find information about the mapping process on the Documentation page on Infor Customer Portal.

If you use Hyperion Pillar as your budgeting tool, then you can use Lawson's Budget Architect application to transfer data from your budget application to a multidimensional database or to Project Accounting. Budget Architect automatically exports budgets from Hyperion Pillar in the appropriate format, eliminating the need for you to map data fields to the ACBUDREL (UNIX/Windows) or DBACACB (IBMi) file.

You can also extract data from Project Accounting using Budget Architect. For example, you can extract actual amounts to use as your baseline for budgeting for the next year. Find more details about Budget Architect in the Budget Architect User Guide.

Illustration: Using Budget Architect to export budgets