Info Browser toolbar actions

This table shows the different actions you can access on the Info Browser toolbar:

Action Description
Actions Users can manage the Info Browsers such as rename, delete, share, or import a new one.
Create Users can create Info Browser data in Lawson Portal.
Choose Columns Users can add or delete columns in the Info Browser that is loaded to the page.
Data View Settings Users can narrow down the data loaded to the page by adding index values, criteria, and conditions. Users can use the Form field to launch the selected record to the provided form.
Note: Index values supersede the criteria when the same field contains a value in the Data View Settings dialog box.
Folder Users can create, rename, and delete Info Browser folders.
Refresh Refreshes the data on the list. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.
Download CSV Downloads the current data in the displayed Info Browser. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.
Custom Views Users can save and manage custom filters for an Info Browser. This action is enabled when an Info Browser is displayed on the right panel.
Help Shows the help message in a dialog box.