Employee Absence Plan Purge (LP331)

Run Employee Absence Plan Purge (LP331) to purge all information for an employee absence plan, including the Plan Master and its logged history, enrollment records, transaction detail and summary records, and length of service records.

Note:  Employee Absence Plan information must be purged before an employee can be purged.

Four purge options are provided:

  • For the selected plan, purge all employees
  • For the selected plan, purge selected employees
  • For the selected employees, purge all plans
  • For all employees, purge all plans
Note:  When a Plan is entered, optionally one or more Structure Employee Groups can be entered. The purge process does NOT create a backup of the purged data. Therefore, it is recommended that a system backup be performed prior to running this program in ‘Update’ mode.

Processing Effect

This program purges an employee’s absence plan master record and records in all tables associated with that master record.