Length of Service Hours Update (LP188)

Run Length of Service Hours Update (LP188) to calculate and update the length of service hours record for the employees, range of years, time record status, and optionally absence plan that you select on parameters.

LP188 completely recalculates length of service records for years specified.

You can optionally select a process level, processing group, employee group, or up to four employees. If you select a processing group, only process levels and employees in those process levels are updated. If you select a process level, only employees currently in that process level on their employee record are updated. If you select an employee group, only employees currently in that employee group are updated.

If you select an absence plan, length of service hours will only be updated for that plan.

The time record status field indicates which time records should be included in the length of service calculation. This impacts customers using Lawson payroll.

A time record status of 1 will only calculate length of service hours for time records that have been closed by the payroll close program (PR197).

A time record status of 2 will calculate length of service hours for both time records that have been closed by the payroll close program (PR197) and those that are currently open and have a time record status of 2 (Current), 3 (Error), 4 (Processed) or 5 (Manual).