Lease Interface (LM500)

Run Lease Interface (LM500) to import non-Lawson lease setup information to the Lawson Lease Management application.

Processing effect

You must first create and edit the lease payment conversion file to be imported into the Lease Management application.

For UNIX/Windows platforms: The data is stored in the LMLEASECNV (Lease Conversion) file. When you run LM500, the system reads records in this file for conversion or interface into the following Lease Management files: LMLEASE, LMEXECASGN, and LMLSEMXVAL. You can use Lease Conversion Adjustment (LM50.1) to add records to the LMLEASECNV file or maintain records already stored in LMLEASECNV before they are interfaced to the Lease Management system.

For IBM i platform: The data is stored in the DBLMCNV (Lease Conversion) file. When you run LM500, the system reads records in this file for conversion or interface into the following Lease Management files: DBLMLSE, DBLMEXA, and DBLMLXV. You can use Lease Conversion Adjustment (LM50.1) to add records to the DBLMCNV file or maintain records already stored in DBLMCNV before they are interfaced to the Lease Management system.