Kit Assembly (IC60.1)

Use Kit Assembly (IC60.1) to add the make-to-order kit items. Before you can use this form you must set up kit items and their component items using Item Master (IC11.1) or Item Master and Location (IC10.2). Kit components can be set up in multiple kits or be set up as a kit item in itself. For example, a lighting company might set up a lamp as a kit item consisting of three components: light bulb, lamp shade, and base. The lamp base may also be set up as a kit. In order to use kits, you must have one required component already defined.

Make-to-order kits are used in the Requisitions and Order Entry applications.

Note: The Order Entry application does not explode the components of a make-to-order kit when the kit is set up as a component in another kit.

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You can set up kits in two ways. The first is at the item group level to be valid for all companies and locations. The second is by company and location. If the make-to-order kit is set up by company and location, you must set the components of the kit to be inventory tracked at the location; you do not have to set up the kit itself to be inventory tracked. If the make-to-order kit is set up at the item group level, the components are verified as being inventory tracked when the kit is entered on an order or requisition.

When you define a kit you select a make code of O. Make code O represents make-to-order kits, which are assembled when an order is placed in the Order Entry application. Make code S represents make-to-stock (also called finished goods). Finished goods are produced in the application and stored in the warehouse as kits. You define finished goods by using Finished Goods (IC62.1).

As you enter kit components, sequence numbers are assigned. The sequence you enter kit components represents the order in which components are allocated and printed on picking lists in the Warehouse application. After a make-to-order kit has been added, you can use Options (IC60.2) to set up kit component options and/or set up kit assembly instructions in Instructions (IC60.3).

When you enter component items, you enter the quantity needed for kit assembly and, optionally, indicate whether the component is required. Non-required components are called kit accessories. You can set up required component options in Options (IC60.2). You can also indicate when to start and stop using a kit component by entering start and stop dates.

The Inventory Control application assigns sequence numbers as you enter component items. For maintenance purposes, you can insert new component lines between existing lines. Select the form action X and enter the number of lines you want to insert in a line action field. When you perform this action, blank lines are inserted above the line action field. This action creates a new sequence. Sequence numbers print on the picking list and can be used to indicate the order in which a kit is assembled.

You can print make-to-order kit assembly information in Kit, Assembly Listing (IC260). To view make-to-order and make-to-stock kits that use a specific component, use Component Where Used (IC65.1). To determine item component availability for a specified number of make-to-order kits, use Kit Availability (IC67.1).