Serial or Lot History (IC52.1)
Use Serial or Lot History (IC52.1) to view transaction history records for serialized items or items assigned to lot/sublots. Transaction history records are created as a result of all transaction types updated to the Inventory Control application. The types include adjustments (AJ), bin transfers (BT), cost adjustments (CA), customer returns (CR), issue (IS), issue transfer (IT), physical inventory (PI), purchase order receipts (PO), purchasing receipt adjustments (RA), inventory receipts (RC), rejected PO inspections (RJ), requisition returns (RR), receipt transfers (RT), and shipments (SH).
Transaction history records are listed in descending order beginning with the most recent update date. This is the date transactions were updated (released) to the Inventory Control application. This form displays the transaction type, update date/time, bin, transaction quantity, document ID, transaction line, and reason code. To view a specific record in a selected form, select the line action X and the Transfer form action. Then, select a form.