Mass Item Location Copy (IC320)

Use Mass Item Location Copy (IC320) to either:

  • mass copy items from an existing location (Location A) to a new location (Location B).


  • mass copy a new item to every location that stocks items for the same product line. Before you use this form, set up the new item in IC12.1 (Item Location) or IC10.2 (Item Master and Location). Then, using this form, enter the location where the item is set up as Location A, the new item as Item A, and an existing item from the same product line as Item B. This form uses Item B to find and copy the new item to other locations that stock items for the same product line.
Note: This form will not allow mass changes for Par/Cart locations. Use IC82 for Par/Cart Mass Changes.

More Information

You can choose to run this form either in report only mode, or in update and report mode.