Potential Overstock (IC228)

Run Potential Overstock (IC228) to print a report of overstock percentages for items with stock-on-hand quantities that are greater than reorder plus safety stock quantities.

This report lists by location unit cost, last issue date, movement class, leadtime, stock-on-hand, reorder plus safety stock quantity, and percent over. Most of these values, such as reorder and safety stock quantities, are derived from Item Location records defined in the IC12.1 (Item Location) Reorder form.

Processing Effect

The overstock percentage = Stock on Hand - (Reorder Quantity + Safety Stock) divided by (Reorder Quantity + Safety Stock)

More Information

You can select the item listed on this report by location, report group, and/or inventory class. You can print this report in item number sequence. Otherwise, items are listed by extended costs from highest to lowest. This program also provides the option for you to enter a cutoff percentage. If specified, only items with an overstock percentage equal to or greater than the percentage specified are printed.