Labor Dist and Effort Purge (GM300)

Run Labor Distribution and Effort Purge (GM300) to purge labor distribution and effort reporting files by HR company and employee. You can delete the labor distribution and effort reporting data without deleting the employee.

Before you can delete an employee who works on grant activities, you will need to run Labor Distribution and Effort Purge (GM300) to delete the labor distribution and effort reporting records for that employee. (You delete the employee on Employee (HR11.1) or Employee Purge (PA115).)

This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program, back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you submit the report, carefully review the parameters.
Note: Before you run GM300 in Purge and Report option (Y), use the No (Report only) option to produce a listing of records to be purged.
Note: To purge grant activities or employees, use the standard processes explained in the User Guide and the Human Resources User Guide.

Processing Effect

This program generates a report that lists the HR company, employee number, and employee name for whom records are deleted. The report also includes a list of files purged with the number of records purged. The purged files are divided into the following categories:

Labor Distribution = GMLABDIST

Labor Distribution Detail = GMLABDISTX, GMGMASEG

Labor Distribution Audit = GMAUDIT

Labor Cost Transfer Templates = GMRETDIST

Labor Cost Transfer Template Detail = GMRETDISTX, GMGMHSEG

Effort Report = GMEFFORT

Effort Report Detail = GMEFFORTX

Effort Transactions = GMTRANEFRT