Year Definition (IA80.2)

Use Year Definition (IA80.2) to define the year options for the dimension you are creating.
Year Range
You must specify a beginning and ending year. You can specify a single year or multiple year range.
Name for Prior Years
Specify a member name for all prior years to roll up into.
Unique Descendant Names
Select Y (Yes) if you have defined a multiple year range.
Year Identifier Option
Select E (Append to End) or B (Insert Before) to determine where the year will appear in the descendant member name structure when you view your data mart. For example, if you define Years and Periods, you can use this option to put the year before or after the period name (Period 1 2001 or 2001 Period 1).
Year Separator
You can leave this field blank (a space will be used as the year separator) or specify a character such as a hyphen to separate the year in the descendant member name structure (for example, Period 1-2001 or 2001-Period 1). The character you enter will appear when you view your data mart. If you are creating a data mart for Microsoft Analysis Services, the character you specify here will be converted to an underscore when you view the data mart.