GL Master Files Extract (GL590)

Run GL Data Extract (GL590) to extract Currency Code, Currency Table, Company, Accounting Unit, and Posting Account information. The created CSV files are saved in the work directory.

These files are created when running GL590:
  • CUCODES - This file contains information about currency codes.
  • CUTABLE - This file contains currency table information.
  • GLSYSTEM - This file contains company information used by the Lawson General Ledger.
  • GLNAMES - This file contains information about accounting units defined in GL20.1 (Accounting Units - Accounts).
  • GLMASTER - This file contains information about posting accounts.

Files are stored on these path:

$LAWDIR/productline/work/GL590CSV-FILE (UNIX)

%LAWDIR%\productline\work\GL590CSV-FILE (Windows)

$LAWDIR/productline/work/GL590CSV-FILE (IBM i)