Currency Revaluation (GL191)

Run Currency Revaluation (GL191) to calculate a new Lawson General Ledger company base currency, report currency one, and report currency two balance using transaction amounts. Any difference in the current balance vs. calculated balance is posted to the unrealized gain or loss account.

This program revalues amounts for all posting accounts that are defined for revaluation based on the currency exchange rates in effect. You can revalue currency at any time, or multiple times, during a specific accounting period or within an accounting period range. An accounting period range uses the sum of multiple periods in the adjustment.

For more information, see the Currency User Guide.

Processing Effect

GL191 creates journal entries for the currency gain and loss accounts defined in Currency Gain Loss Accounts (CU03.1) for the transaction currency codes (From) and the company base (To) currency code.

More Information

If you want to revalue report currency balances, the Currency Ledger field on Company (GL10.1) must be set to Yes during all transaction creation. If the Currency Ledger field was set to No while you used report currencies, run Currency File Rebuild (GL327) before using GL191.