Intercompany Chart Map Posting (GL135)

Run Intercompany Chart Map Posting (GL135) to post account balances from a posting company (From Company) fiscal year and period to the reporting company (To Company) posting accounts.

Processing Effect

GL135 checks the fiscal year map and posts the From Company balances to the reporting year and period mapped for the From Company year and period you type. If there is no fiscal year map, GL135 assumes the year and period to be the same and creates a fiscal year map accordingly. You might want to check your fiscal year map to make sure your balances will be posted to the correct year and period and to verify that the year and period you typed has not been reported yet.

Before you run this program, the following conditions must exist:

  • You must have run Period Closing (GL199) with a Limited Close (L) or Final Close (F) option on the From Company for the year and period you type on GL135.
  • A chart map must exist from the posting accounts of the company to be included in the combined report (From Company) to the posting accounts of the reporting company (To Company). Use Chart Map Creation (GL130) to create the map, and Chart Map maintenance (GL35.1) to fine-tune it.
  • If the From Company and To Company have a different fiscal calendar, a fiscal year map must exist for the two companies. Use Fiscal Year Mapping (GL36.1) to create the fiscal year map.

More Information

Run GL135 for each From Company with a fiscal year and period that you want posted to the same To Company year and period, then run Journal Posting (GL190) on the To Company to post the entire company.

Use the General Ledger Report Writer to produce financial reports for the reporting company (To Company).