Allocation Code Interface Maintenance (CA60.1)
Use Allocation Code Interface Maintenance (CA60.1) to view and maintain the allocation code records you are converting from a non-Lawson system to Allocation Code (CA05.1). You can use this form to verify information transferred to the Lawson system correctly.
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To transfer the non-Lawson file to the target machine, use a transfer utility program (such as the winptxfr or ftp command). When you transfer the non-Lawson file, you rename the file for use in the Lawson system. For example, if you are transferring from Excel, use
winptxfr -u filename c:\\Data\\Excel\\excelfilename
where filename represents the Lawson file.
To view the information in this form, use an import command, such as importdb (importdb productline GLTRANSREL filename) (UNIX/Windows) to load the transactions file into the General Ledger Transaction Interface file (GLTRANSREL (UNIX/Windows) or DBGLGTR (IBM i)) , where filename is the name you assigned when you transferred the file to the Lawson system. After you run the import, use the Next or Previous form actions to display your data.