Standard Contract (FR08.1)

Use Standard Contract (FR08.1) to group standard charges on a standard contract that you can copy routinely to new customer contracts. Copying standard contracts to customer contracts lets you assign line detail to customer contracts for sales based, note based, special, or any combination of these kinds of charges. In the Franchise Management application, a standard contract does not include customer contract header information.

Before you can add a charge to a standard contract, you must first define standard charges in one of the standard charge setup forms: FR05.1 (Standard Sales Based Charge), FR06.1 (Standard Note Based Charge), or FR07.1 (Standard Special Charge).

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After you define a standard contract, you can create a new customer contract in FR10.1 (Customer Contract) by using the copy feature in FR10.1 to quickly copy a standard contract group of charges into the new customer contract.

After you add charges to the standard contract, the applicable Sales, Note, or Special button displays, indicating that the monetary charges and data associated with the charge have been defaulted to the standard contract.