Budget Journal Entry (FB40.1)

Use Budget Journal Entry (FB40.1) to adjust the amounts or units assigned to a budget by adding budget journal entries for a budget. Budget journal entries let you track the movement of funds between budget accounts. This form also displays journal type, company number, and budget number.

This form is required only if you selected the double entry option on Define Budget (FB20.2) and changes need to be made to the budget.

The journal type can be Normal (N), Intercompany (I), or Multiple Budgets (B).

To create a budget journal entry that transfers amounts or units between companies, create a relationship between the companies on Intercompany Relationships (GL25.1) and create a budget journal entry with Intercompany selected in the Type field.

To create a budget journal entry that transfers amounts or units between budgets, create a relationship between the budgets on Interbudget Relationships (FB35.1) and create a budget journal entry with Multiple Budgets selected in the Type field.

Processing Effect

The source code for user-defined lines of any budget journal entry is FB. The source code for system-generated lines for the "From" and "To" companies on an intercompany budget journal entry is CB. The source code for system-generated entries on an interbudget budget journal entry is IB.


If a number in the Company field on the detail line does not match the company number in the header, the journal type for that transaction must be Intercompany.

If a number in the Budget field, on the detail line does not match the budget number in the header, the journal type for that transaction must be Intercompany or Multiple Budgets.