Customer Bill Of Exchange Cashing (DT85.2)

Use Customer Bill Of Exchange Cashing (DT85.2) to cash accepted bills of exchange directly without a bank remittance. You can display accepted bills of exchange for a company. The program changes the status of cashed bills of exchange to Cashed.

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You can define selection criteria to limit the bills of exchange that display by choosing the Filter button to access the BOE Cashing Selections subform. To override customer bank information defined in DT30 (Bill of Exchange Acceptance), choose the More button to access the Cashing Without Remittance subform.

Before you run Bank Presentation, Cashing Update (DT180), you can reverse, or "uncash," a cashed bill of exchange by selecting the Undo line function code next to the bill of exchange you want to uncash. This action returns the bill of exchange to an Accepted status.