Date Detail Maintenance (CM03.1)

Use Contract Pay Cycles Rule (CM03.1) to manage contract pay cycle details such as the pay cycle dates and the remaining cycles for work schedule. Defining remaining cycles will automate the calculation of cycles when adding Employee Contracts (CM13.1) and Assignments (CM14 and CM15) mid year.

Processing Effect

Work schedule Number of Pay Cycles can be determined based on the remaining pay cycle that corresponds to the pay cycle date range that includes the first pay cycle end date defined in CM01 or CM03. Data in a contract pay cycle rule will automate the calculation of remaining cycles when adding Employee Contracts (CM13.1), Base Assignments (CM14.1) and Supplemental Assignments (CM15.1). Contract pay cycle rule set up is required before closing a work schedule.

More Information

You must indicate the first pay cycle end date and load frequency to automatically load pay cycle dates and remaining pay cycles that would be the basis for determining the work schedule number of pay cycles.