Currency Table (CU00.1)

Use Currency Table (CU00.1) to define and maintain a currency table. A currency table is a combination of currency relationships, exchange rates, and translation rates that can be used by one or more companies. A currency table reduces the time involved in creating and maintaining currency rates and relationships. After you define a relationship from one location to another, you can select Yes from the Auto-generate field to create the corresponding relationship in the other direction (from the "to" location to the "from" location), with the reverse operator.

Assign a currency table to a company in the Currency form tab in GL10.1 (Company).

Currency tables are used to link all currency relationships and rates.

Note: You must use CU01.1 (Currency Code) to define currency codes before you can define currency relationships or rates for a currency table.

More Information

This form contains three buttons, as follows:

  • Click the Currency Relationship button to open CU02.1 to define relationships between currency codes for the currency table.
  • Click the Exchange Rates button to open CU10.1 to define exchange rates for currency relationships in the currency table.
  • Click the Translation Rates button to open CU20.1 to define translation rates for currency relationships in the currency table.