Product Contract Interface (BR570)

Run Product Contract Interface (BR570) to import product contract information into Billing and Revenue Management. You can interface product contracts, product contract comments, and a total deferred revenue amount.

Note: This program cannot import detail deferred revenue schedule lines, nor a product contract that has previously been processed.

Use Activity Interface Adjustment (BR70.1), Product Interface Cost of Goods Sold (BR70.2), and Product Contract Interface Comments (BR71.1) to enter records that are interfaced using this program.

Processing Effect

The data entered on Activity Interface Adjustment (BR70.1) and Product Contract Interface Comments (BR71.1) is stored in the ACIFPRHDR, ACIFPRDTL, and ACIFCNTCMT files. When you run Product Contract Interface (BR570), it updates the ACPRODHDR (Product Contract Header), ACPRODDTL (Product Contract Detail), ACCNTRCMTX (Product Contract Comments) files, and the ACPRODDTL.TOT-DEF-AMT field.